BBC Radio 3 - Arts & Ideas
26 November 2021
Jordana sat down with Matthew Sweet and other guests to look at what toys tell us about our times, at the spookiness of dolls coming to life in horror films and why there's a boom in toys for 'kidults'.
Click here to listen.
Argentine Embassy in the UK
2 April 2022
We met Estela de Carlotto at the Argentine Embassy in London on the 2nd of April, to commemorate the war dead and the ex-combatants with the Argentine community in the UK in 40th the anniversary of the Malvinas War.

Trip to Buenos Aires
April 2022
We met with Roberto Lodoli, collector and toy soldier-maker, at his stall at the Feria de San Telmo in Buenos Aires. We are very grateful for his support and for sharing his knowledge with us in this project!

August 2022
We opened our exhibition ESCALA 1:43 in Buenos Aires!
We were visited by the staff of the Museo del Juguete: Director, Cecilia Pitrola, and Conservationist, Carlos Gómez (top photograph). We also hosted the Grupo de Estudios sobre Teatro Contemporaneo, Politica y Sociedad en America Latina from the Instituto Gino Germani for a visit (bottom photograph).
We were delighted to show them around the display!
FoCo - Diálogos Fotográficos
11 August 2022
While in Buenos Aires, Erika delivered a presentation on her doctoral research for FoCo (Grupo de Estudios en Fotografía Contemporánea, Arte y Política) at the Instituto Gino Germani at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. FoCo coordinated by Natalia Fortuny.

More visitors to Escala 1:43!
September-October 2022
Students from the seminar "Problemáticas y transformaciones del campo artístico", part of the Masters in Communication and Culture of the Faculty of Social Sciences at UBA visited the exhibition together with Felisa Santos and Natalia Fortuny (top photograph).
Students from the school Colegio Paideia visited the exhibition and participated of a guided tour by one of our exhibition curators, Natalia Fortuny (bottom photograph).
Colegio Paideia
November 2022
Jordana delivered a talk for the students at the school Colegio Paideia about the exhibition after they had visited the display as part of the subject 'Formación ética y ciudadana e historia'.

Trip to Buenos Aires, January 2023​.
​We met with Cecilia Pitrola, Director of the Toy Museum in San Isidro, and Carlos Gómez, conservationist, to discuss the donation of part of our collection to the Museum at the end of the project. ​​

In January 2023 we visited the brand-new Toy Museum in Montevideo El Juguetero and met with Eduardo Balduccio, owner of the collection and his daughter, Estefanía, who run the Museum with her father. Toy researcher and collector Diego Lascano introduced us to them and accompanied us in this amazing journey. Thank you all!

Diego also introduced us to Julio Cabano. Julio invited us to his home and very kindly showed us his impressive collection of Uruguayan toys. Thank you both!